Eso remains in the hospital - her condition has complications

Unfortunately, Eso's state took a turn for the worse through some last-minute complications. For the moment, it appears she will remain in the hospital, under observation, for a few more days, likely until the 11th or so. While her state is not critical, and she doesn't appear to be in any danger (to anyone's knowledge, at least), her current situation is more severe than it used to be.

Perhaps, if you feel so inclined, leave her some kind or reassuring words to return to.

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I`ve mostly been following this from afar, but the scope, dedication and obvious passion behind this project has me in awe. I hope she`ll be able to keep that same spark in her private life as well, and that this won`t stop her from living the life she wants and deserves. From one internet stranger to another - please be well.