Esoteric Update #215 - This Image Needs More Salt And Pepper

You'll have to excuse me again, I've been to the hospital, so I'm not feeling great. But here, have some lore:

Lore: Monstrum

And now for the update. So first off, I want to say that I did try to put out some writing, but it wasn't a good week for that. Fortunately, between myself and my writing partner, some work on that front managed to get done, just not as much as I'd have hoped. Unfortunately, a large part of what I put down just wasn't up to par with the quality we aim for and got binned. This would be, of course, text for the new park event content. I'll try to get stuck back into this over the coming week; hopefully, it will go better. 

I've also been working on instating some long-planned features into the game, but... ah, let me get back to that later. I want to show it off in action, and it's not quite there yet. So I'm happy with the state of it at the moment, at the very least. Let's say that this is a feature common to immersive sims taking place in the present and future alike.

And finally, I have something visual to show off. Now, if you happen to hang out in our Discord, you might have seen me posting a lot about this, and I've had multiple long Twitter threads discussing the various possible transformations, but I'd like just to highlight these two threads:

Changing the map as the day passes.
Using transformations to alter images in documents.

For the latter, I'll also note that I altered the document generation slightly, as there was a blatant error that eluded me for the longest time. It was like I knew it was there, but my brain refused to come to the correct conclusion about where the issue came from... So anyway, the corner decorations on books now display a lot better.

If you want to see some of the other threads about image transformations:

Blurring filters with shaping.
Affine matrix transformations for colour.
Noise generators.

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I hope you feel better soon!

For the moment, several more weeks of hospital visits before me. I hope things get easier for the summer though. So I can just lock myself away at home where the blasted heat can't reach.