Esoteric Update #236 - Going Philosophical

So first off, let's drop some lore here:

Lore: The Minor Rites Of The Magi

And now, concerning the update...

Well, I don't actually have much to say. We spent our time improving the thought experiments, a few things changed, and we just launched earlier today with four experiments and three errant thoughts (yes, I know I mentioned we'd have four; that last one is still not up to snuff in terms of writing).

We also have seven more experiments queued up and a few more errant thoughts, including the one missing from the current version. We're also working on the reward mechanics for the thought experiments, specifically in terms of balancing.

Overall, if you want to test what we've put out, just visit our Discord and get it there. Leave some feedback while you're at it.

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Is there a difference between the 16th and 20th birthday? Like is the 16th birthday a coming of age kind of thing where they’re officially introduced to the society of mages, and the 20th birthday a celebration of their growing independence or something along those lines?


The robes don't need to specifically correlate to those ages (though they will more or less match those, yeah), but the meanings are something like this:
- before black robe: likely to learn about magic during this age already, but doesn't study it in any way,
- black robe: studies magic under a teacher, either a parent or a tutor,
- white robe: studies magic on their own, will still study under more experienced mages, but in a different way - the difference is similar to the difference between school (black robe) and university (white robe),
- yellow robe: approximately equivalent of having a PhD,
- red robe: approximately equivalent to having received a Nobel Prize.