Esoteric Update #270 - Silent Water And Gridded Paper

Update time: It's a little bit late, though. Nothing specific happened to cause this; I just had a bad Monday and wanted to go to sleep early.

So, I've been mostly writing. It's not a very satisfactory thing to post, but it is important work for the adventure and for the game in general. I posted some of the writing on Discord, but as it's essentially lore, I doubt anyone is too interested.

I've also been encoding items that already have descriptions and/or content ready. Unfortunately, this has revealed an issue with one of the document templates. It turned out that the paper-v2 template I wanted to use for creased letters (as it supports creasing) wasn't entirely compliant with the rest of our templates. It didn't work correctly with some of our extensions, and I needed to figure out what was wrong. I did, eventually, but it took some time.

I doubt you could tell the difference, but it really does come out when you start playing around with it and the various features our documents have. The most important one, the specific issue that made me realise something was wrong, was the ability to pre-render handwriting.

While we're on the subject of documents, I also added a feature for some other documents I am working on, and that's gridding. I decided to just make a universal solution so you can define what grid you want to have. Here are some examples, and they all only require 2 to 4 lines of code to achieve while also working much better than, say, SVG patterns.

Sorry, it's a bit of a short update, but sometimes things take a lot of work for little to show, at least in a format like this. Fortunately, summer soon starts, and I know I'm taking a break from work for 2 to 3 months at the minimum. I'll discuss the details once I know more, but I might no longer work in the near future, and that opens up a lot of time for this project.

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