Esoteric Update #274 - Scribble Scribble Scribble~

Update time. I'm a bit out of it at this very moment. I just came back from the lab, and they took like a pint of blood from me, or at least that's how it feels.

Anyway, I dedicated wholly to writing this week, so there's not much I have to say or show. I did post some interesting/funny texts on Discord, so if you want to take a look, those are still there, but I don't think there's much of a point in copying them here. While I did do some other stuff, just minor tweaks and changes to the engine, I wanted to focus on writing, and now I have something like 40k words of text to encode for the game, which I will be working on next week.

The whole point of this week was just to write and rest, and I did (I think) a decent job with both. There were a few bigger pieces of writing I ended up scrapping, but that's how it sometimes has to be.

So yeah, that's all; I just focused on writing

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